+23 We do not help suicidal people anywhere near enough, amirite?

by Equal_Practice_5181 1 week ago

Definitely not unpopular, I don't think any reasonable person would think we have a robust and effective mental health system?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

While I do think we do not help people enough in general, there's so many suicide hotlines etc and it seems like you just had a really bad counselor.

by Opening_Nature_946 1 week ago

I've been told those hotlines are useless. They just listen to you but don't actually help

by Equal_Practice_5181 1 week ago

Have you tried them, or you just going based on what other people said?

by Opening_Nature_946 1 week ago

It's genuinely hard to talk people out of suicide. How would you deal with someone who perfectly understands the situation they are in and doesn't want to live any longer?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My honest opinion is they weren't taking you seriously…. Like a lack of respect. It's easy to do till it's too late. I've experienced in a weird way a strong guilt for being admitted inpatient when I am close to people who were sent home. I was plastered drunk & my plan was to rot my body to death so that I could reverse the plan if I changed my mind yet there's others that are one moment away from taking a drastic unreversable action. I am on meds and stable but no I don't feel good about the idea of others not being taken seriously it could be that one final push and it's a lack of education and respect

by Anonymous 1 week ago