+31 Flowers don't smell good, amirite?

by Alive_Chair_8481 1 week ago

Depends on the flower. Lavender is a flower. Gardenia, Rose, Lily all smells good. Most people don't focus on smelling things. Like you don't snort air freshener even if you like the smell. Same with flowers. They are nice so long as the fragrance is in the background.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Fun fact: Vanilla comes from an orchid. And some orchid species also have a vanilla scent to their flowers. Ain't that a nice smell? Or the sweetness of honey scented flowers? Hmmm...I just don't see it... or smell it I should say.

by Emergency-Pay 1 week ago

Yeah, I've never understood where the connection between flowers and smelling great came from. I mean I understand they are pretty and that's why people have them around. To me it's like saying you bought shirt because it smells good.

by Tbotsford 1 week ago

I absolutely agree. I don't know why everyone and their Mom keep raving roses for smelling so good, they smell weird. I like the smell of fruits, cinnamon, vanilla, (my cat), nuts and chocolate, I don't understand the appeal of smelling like a flower

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Also we have intense smelling but relatively smelling chemicals. And it's all about smelling better than the eww.

by Outrageous-Town7046 1 week ago