+38 Sports fans are just really inconsiderate nerds, amirite?

by Necessary-Yak 1 week ago

This video game nerd vs sport jock mindset died in the 90s. Men play video games. Like most men under 35 play video games. Just talk about video games with them. If people are coming to you with sports talk at work they will be happy to talk about something else. It's just a vehicle for small talk. Men talk about sports at work because a lot of men like sports and it's decent small talk. It sounds like you feel awkward in conversations at work not being able to relate to their interests. Maybe steer the conversation to a mutual interest instead of saying sports fans need to, what, shut up? Sounds antisocial.

by bodeemmalee 1 week ago

Nah, I think op has a point, some ppl are just absorbed into sports like that while I don't care at all And sometimes it's hard to find a good mutual thing to like depending on how long they're willing to listen or not talk about their main thing that everyone talks about.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If someone can only talk about one thing they are a strawman or have a neurodivergent condition Somebody who can only talk about sports is a character you would see in a cartoon and not someone I've ever met. And I live in a city that regularly competes for NCAA National Championships

by bodeemmalee 1 week ago

I see what u mean

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A response to someone that's angry about other people's interests and feels left out?

by frodriguez 1 week ago

It's projection, nothing more.

by Smart-Ad-8737 1 week ago


by bodeemmalee 1 week ago

Don't think it was meant as an insult lol It's perfectly normal to feel awkward in a situation where someone is asking you about something you have no knowledge or interest in

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yet dismissing someone's opinions like this is incredibly rude

by Smart-Ad-8737 1 week ago

I like sports, have my entire life, but OP is clearly talking about people for whom they've made it so much a part of their identity that it's to the detriment of relationships with people outside the sports bubble. ‘Sports fan' isn't a personality, and the games aren't so important that people these fans will say they love and care about deserve to be routinely ignored just because some people they don't know have their special uniforms on and are on the tv.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sports are typically more popular than video games, which is why it is more common to hear people talk about it. You gotta think, if you're 60 years old when you were a kid the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL were around, Xboxs and Playstations were not. There are a lot of people who haven't had the same experience with video games that a millennial or Gen-Z person may have, which is why they don't talk about it. Sports are typically a popular and an uncontroversial thing a lot of people find entertaining, so it's easy to talk about with co-workers or random people you wouldn't consider friends who you know have the same interests as you. That being said I have discussed video games with younger people as well as sports, but it's all about knowing your audience however video games at family gatherings would be considered rude because a video game requires a lot more of your attention than a game on TV does. You can have a normal conversation while the game is on in the background, it's a little bit harder to talk to someone when they are entirely focused on a video game they are playing. Also, watching a game on TV is much more of a group experience (assuming everyone roots for the same team), as opposed to playing video games which is really only about the people playing My brother, I feel like you just like video games better than sports and you are upset that is not the general consensus of society. People like different stuff man, and that's alright

by Immediate_Set1631 1 week ago

To hammer on first part. People really are clueless about the popularity of video games as a whole. Its widely popular yes, but compared to sports? Not even close. Sports have been a thing for centuries. Smash bros is a couple decades old lol. I prefer video games over sports but I also realize it's not even close in popularity.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

The gaming industry brings more revenue than any form of entertainment. 3x as much as the music industry and almost 4x the film industry.

by reynadubuque 1 week ago

Shared stats, and by extension experiences...Dan Marino only had one 1984 season, and it was with Miami Dolphins, not for every single Madden player who tried to create a Dynasty team with him at QB. MOST people don't care about virtual experiences, not when there were "more genuine" experiences out there.

by Such_Practice_6422 1 week ago

Exactly. I say the name "Jack Morris" to a fellow baseball fan my age and we automatically know what is being referred to. Same as "beastquake" with a football fan or if I wagged my finger and said "no no no" to a basketball fan. Those are moments or experiences shared by millions of people, a common language.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

however video games at family gatherings would be considered rude I believe that's more half and half. I've been to many different family gatherings, even those not of my own, and sometimes there's a system in one of the kids' room or living room so the children can go on if they don't feel like doing anything else.

by Next-Association 1 week ago

*exercise, not just sports but any physical activity

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Woosh. It has nothing to with liking sports, it has to do with deranged sports fans who think everyone cares about the thing they like

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would argue other fandoms have more introverts who won't bring their passions up. Work a job and tell me not a single co worker brings up sports without asking

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Hmm you bring up a good point. People don't have to like it but like politics and religion, sports can bring out the worst in people I've worked with people that live and breathe sports, its their religion and relationship. Hell I know a guy that was divorced because he refused to miss "his" football team play.

by OrganizationFun9238 1 week ago

I don't want to discourage sports fans at all. I have my own hang ups here and there, like everyone does, but as an adult I've only grown in respect for athletes and think that athletics should be required every year of k-12. I'd just restructure how it works because as it is it makes a bunch of kids resentful of PE. Sincerely, my only issue is how childish and rude sports people can be, and how much they get away with it. Ever have that one really nerdy friend that won't STFU about Naruto, or Halo, or star wars whatever? Same thing. People need to learn to take a hint

by Necessary-Yak 1 week ago

Tradition. That's your answer. Why don't you eat with chopsticks? Forks and knives are annoying to me, and you're selfish when you need one.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My bf is really into sports and honestly I just enjoy hearing him talk about something he's passionate and interested in. I enjoy hearing about things like mock drafts and fantasy leagues because I've never been into them and it's really cool to hear how they work. I don't need every conversation with him to be something I also have interest in, it's fun just hearing him talk about something he's into, even though I don't know much about it.

by Diligent_Mention 1 week ago


by jerel50 1 week ago


by Necessary-Yak 1 week ago

Video games are only enjoyable for the people playing them. Watching sports is a thing people do as a group. That's why it's rude to force everyone to watch you and your brother play video games.

by Ordinary_Lime_5100 1 week ago

lol not all of them

by wyman47 1 week ago

You kinda right. If you like some underrated sport and act like those "crazy sport fans" you'll get as many weird looks as a nerd.

by Toby83 1 week ago

Weird. There is nothing less interesting to me than gaming, and yet, that's all everyone wants to talk about. Everyone I know is into gaming, which is fine. But I'm not, and no one seems able to respect that. To them, it's unfathomable. So they try and convert me. Sports fans don't do that to me.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've seen a number of memes like that. A detailed description of a D&D campaign, ending "and that's how it sounds when you go on and on about football."

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The more galling example to me is people who play card games that say they don't "game."

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Thinking gamers in general are nice, caring, considerate individuals sure is an unpopular opinion.

by chaunceyaufderh 1 week ago

Ever been to a big tailgate followed by a sporting event. There is a real sense of community there, sports are important in bringing people together

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sure, and that is the time and place for it, and I encourage people to find a community they love. Just don't make every solitary interaction into sports. Hyper religious people do exactly the same thing

by Necessary-Yak 1 week ago

There is the big difference between sports and video games There's a reason why the star quarterback in high school is one takes the prom queens virginity and not the kid that's really good at Minecraft

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But most sports fans can't actually play the sport well at all

by Obvious-Nectarine647 1 week ago

A lot of sports fans played as kids and in high school and we're all pretty decent. It easy to look at someone in her 40s and 50s or 60s and think like oh yeah that guy's not athlete.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Most sports fans are terminally attached to their chairs. They might've given it a try as kids, but most of them were never ‘pretty decent'.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

.. and they travel in packs. A vicious bunch

by ProgrammerOne7022 1 week ago

Nerds are inconsiderate sports fans

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Also closeted. Who cheers for another man getting sweaty and playing with sticks and balls while wearing a shirt with him name on it?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Cook'em OP.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Where? I'm genuinely curious. I play a lot of video games, but I don't sit and play video games while my extended family is visiting, and I'd expect the same courtesy of sports fans. To me sports is just another Fandom, and I have no issue with it other than the special social privileges it seems to get that no other hobby does.

by Necessary-Yak 1 week ago

I don't like how the mainstream thing is to watch sports, I don't care about them. The only one I watch is WWE cause its entertaining, even if it's not in the same category

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well I'm cool with them watching them, excessively even, I just hate how sports weasels it's way into social gatherings (not playing, that's healthy and participatory, which is good). I don't care if it's NFL or League of legends, if you're using electronic entertainment as a tool to not have to socially engage with your friends/family at gatherings, it's just plain rude. If you need me to pick a restaurant with a TV so you can watch the game, I don't want to spend time with you. People do this with their phones all the time

by Necessary-Yak 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Who hurt you?

by ruthie31 1 week ago