+38 Pledging 'allegiance to the flag' as an adult is especially creepy. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's likely *because they were trained to pledge allegiance to the flag as a child, that some adults continue the habit in adulthood. Kind of like a lot of traditions, religions, and ideologies - if you raise a child to 'think this way' or 'do this thing' on the regular, it becomes second nature.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Traditions are just peer pressure from dead people

by Tysonmosciski 1 week ago

Yeah! You know all countries do that. We teach our children our own values. That's how we build societies

by Possible-Rutabaga619 1 week ago

I feel the same about religion/gods

by Vsanford 1 week ago

It's creepy no matter your age.

by Greedy_Fish 1 week ago

Am a teacher…. Have to do it Monday-Friday each week of the school year.

by vandervorteleaz 1 week ago

It was always very blind patriotism and nationalism. Very dangerous

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Think it's creepier to make children do it.

by Jessywuckert 1 week ago

One time, some friends and I went to another one of our friend's 4th of July party. Some back story here, this specific friend comes from a very well off family. This family also gives "Get Out" vibes. My friend is not like them as we were all in the military together so he got a good dose of culture exposure unlike his family. Anyways… At this 4th of July party there is a ton of…white people. Like far right white people. So right before they start blasting off fireworks, my friends dad gets on the microphone and starts thanking all of us for our service and blah blah, then out of nowhere he says, "as tradition, we will do the pledge before we begin" and everyone just started saying the pledge, in unison. It felt so so weird. A mix of Get Out and the upper class in the Purge movies. So yeah, I kinda agree with you, OP. P.S. Firework show was dope. One of the best I've ever seen.

by No-University4598 1 week ago

It is. Does anyone actually do it (aside from council meetings or something)?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Freedom also means living in America and choosing not to pledge absolute fealty to a political system that has never lived up to its ideals.

by nzulauf 1 week ago

It's propaganda. Americans are among the most indoctrinated in the world, and the proof is that most don't think so.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's creepy as a kid, too. Any country worth having allegiance to isn't going to demand a pledge of allegiance to it; that wouldn't be necessary for a good country. A good country would naturally have people volunteering to defend it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's called "blind allegiance." We're forced to do it as kids without really being told why, so by the time we're adults, we don't really think much of it. I wouldn't call it "creepy," but forcing children to recite the pledge of allegiance every day in school borders on indoctrination. An adult that is capable of understanding what they're doing and what they're pledging allegiance to, on the other hand, is fine as long as they're not forcing others to do it, too.

by Unusual_Eye1227 1 week ago

I remember our classrooms doing it every morning as a kid. Of course we didn't know any better. Now as an adult, it's basically early indoctrination vibes.

by SuperSheepherder 1 week ago

It's patriotism and every country does it. I don't do it myself but saying it's creepy is a stretch.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What word would you prefer?

by nzulauf 1 week ago

I guess showing allegiance to your country is cringe

by Proud_Ad_9535 1 week ago

That's the thing -- it kind of is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As someone who doesn't live in a country like this, yeah it is super creepy, and sad. It's very disturbing tbh to see people so overzealous about their country, very very intense behaviour. I don't know if they understand how scary it comes across to foreigners.

by schambergerelse 1 week ago

It's not creepy when the individual is allowed to make the choice to pledge

by fadeltrever 1 week ago

Only america does that and they're just a cult society anyway. It fits.

by No-Dig 1 week ago

In my school no one really cares if you stand up or not—most kids who don't stand up do so out of laziness rather than hating their country. Also no one actually says the pledge, they just listen to it. Not really that creepy imo but could be different elsewhere.

by Anonymous 1 week ago