+35 Star Wars is more technologically advanced but it is as dangerous as the 1500's, amirite?

by Diannahudson 1 week ago

No...half of the danger from the 1500's was the lack of medical technology. They have Bacta tanks and whatnot in Star Wars.

by Beau78 1 week ago

For those who can afford them.

by Ok-Advantage 1 week ago

By their way of life is horrible. Constant war, religious persecution, deadly animals etc etc

by Diannahudson 1 week ago

You're seeing a fraction of a fraction of a percent of all the people in the universe.

by Beau78 1 week ago

Also a fraction of the timeline. "Constant war": the galaxy had been at peace for centuries leading up to TPM. The Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, and First Order - Resistance conflict only occured with like a 70-80 year gap, and those main wars all occured decades between. "Religious Prosecution": only really a thing under the Empire, and only really to the Jedi. Which lasted at most 30 years in that previously mentioned timeframe.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Star Wars only takes place in one galaxy. And everywhere they go; there is some giant monster or deadly bounty hunters or some crazed Sith Lord and Imperial tyranny.

by Diannahudson 1 week ago

That's usually the stuff they make tv shows and movies about

by Plus_Put998 1 week ago

This is the most escapist thing i've read today. EARTH and current civilization on it is more technologically advanced but it's much, much more dangerous than the 1500's. We have several full blown wars currently ongoing, genocides and nuclear standoffs.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah but the Star Wars galaxy is still 10,000x more advanced than ours (at least in some areas)

by Diannahudson 1 week ago